Hormones Can Affect Your Overall Health

Hormones Can Affect Your Overall Health

Dr. Scumpia discusses hormones and how they affect your overall health with CBS Austin. We most recently discovered that Hypothyroidism Doesn’t Worsen COVID-19.   Today, Dr. Scumpia discusses how the overuse of hormones can have detrimental effects on your overall...
Hypothyroidism Doesn’t Worsen COVID-19

Hypothyroidism Doesn’t Worsen COVID-19

Key Takeaways Hypothyroidism was not associated with a worse prognosis among patients with COVID-19. Among patients with COVID-19, those with underlying hypothyroidism were significantly less likely to require mechanical ventilation, and hospital mortality tended to...
What is Metabolic Syndrome?

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

It’s not a single disease, but a group of related health problems: too much belly fat, high triglycerides, cholesterol trouble, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. When you have at least three of these issues, your chances for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke are higher than they’d be with any of those health problems on their own.

Why Does Testosterone Decline?

Why Does Testosterone Decline?

What Is Testosterone and Why Does It Decline? Testosterone is a hormone. It’s what puts hair on a man’s chest. It’s the force behind his sex drive. During puberty, testosterone helps build a man’s muscles, deepens his voice, and boosts the size...